Revolutionising Data & Insights

The Transformative Power of Generative AI
De rijtuigenloods, Amersfoort
18 & 19 maart 2025
10:00 - 10:45
Bilendi zaal

The power of Virtual Audiences: How Lamb Weston is exploring AI to complement consumer research [Haystack & Lamb Weston]

Data & AI

In this session Ank and Mark will take you through the world of virtual audiences. How human is such an audience, how does it work. What do you have to take into account when you are talking to such an audience or even more important when you set it up. And of course, what were the insights for Lamb Weston when using this in consumer research in this specific study. 

Key Takeaway:
An inspiring session with the when, how and what regarding Virtual audiences. 

Ank van Ophoven

Ank is a strategic advisor at Haystack Consulting, where she specializes in market research and consumer insights across B2C en B2B markets. With a wealth of experience on both the agency and client sides, she blends deep qualitative research expertise with a passion for innovation. Being both critical and creative, she thrives on exploring new possibilities, challenging conventional thinking, and leveraging AI to unlock fresh consumer insights. 

Mark Pijnenburg

Experienced Market researcher with over 10 years of experience across agency (Human8) and client side (Efteling, Lamb Weston) roles. Currently responsible for driving consumer & customer insights within Lamb Weston in the role of Research Business Partner EMEA.